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Scopes of Work and Specifications Sample


We've shown you the Engineering Scopes of Work and Specifications so you can get an idea of just how much detail is on these.  As mentioned before, these were created while building over a thousand homes, so we've worked out the kinks to say the least.  Let's go through of few of the items to let you know how they will save you time, money and hassles.

For your plot plan, we ask the engineer to...

Show location of sewer and water service lines from right of way to street.  Have you ever had to repair your sewer or water line in front of the house?  If you know where they are, it makes repairs a whole lot easier.

Provide curb elevation at street near driveway.  We ask for the height of the curb (in relation to sea level) so we have a fixed point of reference to give the excavation contractor.  He will set the laser on his back hoe to dig the hole for the house foundation from this.  Needless to say, it is a very important reference point.  Some engineers will just put the number on a stake in the ground, but all it takes is a kid to come by and move it slightly, and you are in trouble.  We also have the foundation contractor double check the dig depth for a double we need it permanently installed on the it were a stake, the excavator would probably knock it down.

Provide all municipal requirements.  Each city has it's own requirements for what they want to see on the engineered plot plan.  You want to make sure the engineer follows those requirements as you will submit the plot plan to the city when submitting the permit application.  Why redo it after submitting?

Provide proper drainage showing key elevations at house, swale, and at any drains near property, and show direction of flow.   This detail will help your grading contractor set the proper grade on your lot so there are no drainage problems.  You will also give your plot plan to your landscaper to it is very important there is sufficient detail.

Provide normal and high water levels of any bodies of water adjacent to the property including creeks, retention basins, and ponds.  I had a friend who built a house on a lake and his house foundation was set below the normal water level of the lake.  As a result, his sump pump ran non-stop.  You probably don't need me to tell you...this is not a good scenario.

Confirm basement elevation and drainage system is above the normal water level of all adjacent bodies of water.  See notes in line above.

For the staking, we ask the engineer/surveyor to...

Mark elevation on curb for excavator to reference  We talked about this one above, just know that this is a great way to make sure your house is built at the right elevation to prevent drainage problems.

Provide stakes at each corner of the house showing porch, garage, and any offsets in the building.  Some engineers will only mark the four corners of the building.  Since he is there, and he has his GPS with him, he might as well mark each corner.

Verify lot corner pins are in and mark with lath. This helps with grading the don't want the huge bull dozer tearing up the neighbors makes for a bad day.

Provide 2 sets each of offset hubs.  These are stakes placed 10' or so off of two of the corners of the house.  Why?  Because when you dig the hole, the stakes marking the foundation location will fall into it.  So, the hubs can be used by the foundation guy to locate the foundation in the correct spot.  But why wouldn't you just have the surveyor back?  Because it will cost you more money.

Return to site before final grading begins to set 10 grade stakes and property pins.  It's good to have stakes placed showing the grading contractor exactly where to set the final grade.  This helps prevent drainage problems down the road and is especially necessary if your lot is somewhat flat.

Number 4. on EVERY Scopes of Work and Specification is one of the most important items!  This small note stating that no extra costs will be accepted unless agreed in writing and signed by you prior to doing the work will save you a fortune!  Don't let them come back to you after the fact and ask for more money because they encountered a problem with this or that.  They will absolutely kill your budget!

This is just one of the many Scopes of Work and Specifications you will get when you hit the Buy Now button below.  These will save you serious money and time!

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