ArmchairBuilder > Videos > Mirror Framing

DIY mirror framing for bath renovation is easy with a product called Mirrorscapes by Moen.  Your bathroom can be completely transformed in 45 minutes by virtually anyone that can follow simple directions. Your vanity mirror takes up a big portion of the wall space in your bathroom.  So if you can upgrade your mirror, you can easily complete your bath renovation.

The easiest way to turn your boring rectangular mirror into a high quality piece of furniture is to apply mirror framing. Sure, you could remove the old mirror, repair the drywall, paint and then buy and install a new framed mirror...this takes time and money.  And we prefer to recycle the existing mirror to keep it out of the landfill.

So, we have two options to install mirror framing to your new bath renovation.  First, we could come up with a design, buy the wood and paint, hire a trim carpenter and painter, and apply custom wood mirror framing.  But that also takes time and money.

Why would we go through all that trouble when we can complete our bath renovation in 45 minutes by installing mirror framing with the Mirrorscapes product?  Watch as we transform our boring old bath by applying mirror framing to our plain, old rectangular mirror.  A bath renovation in 45 minutes?  Yes...check out our video for step by step mirror framing installation.


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